Saturday, August 28, 2010

Make the most of your Pigsty

The new Pigsty currently has very little use. The amount of space it takes up, is more than the space 20 pigs take up. So how can you use this new building to the utmost? By knowing that the Pigpen harvests every 24 hours, and when it harvests you gain the bonus for every animal inside it.

This brings me to the Saddleback Pig;

Level 35
Goods Truffles
Harvest for 1000 coins
Harvest in 2 days
XP gained 3,000 XP
Sell for 15,000 coins
Cost 300,000 coins
Size 1 square
Profit per square 20.83 coins/hour

Costing 300,000 coins, and requiring a player be Level 35 to purchase the Saddleback pig has the second highest harvest in the game. (The highest belongs to the Belted Cow) Bringing in 1,000 coins every two days. However, if you place it in the Pigsty, you will earn 1,000 coins every day from this little piggie. Filling up your Pigpen with Saddlebacks will cost 6 million gold, earn you 60,000 XP and produce 20,000 coins a day.

Zynga has stated that more features will be coming to the Pigsty in the future, and the general consensus among players is that a type of Hog will be introduced and Pig Breeding will be possible through the Pigpen. This means that filling up your Pigpen with Saddleback Pigs now may very well pay off massively in the near future.

Information for the Farmville Red Animals from the Zynga Lotto

With the recent release of the Red Goat, Red Sheep, Red Cow and Red Horse I thought I should take moment and collect the information for them. Harvest rates, offspring and other pertinent information can be found below.

Red GoatRed SheepRed CowRed Horse
Sell For100 Coins180 Coins80 Coins
Days to Harvest2 Days3 Days1 Day1 Day
Harvest For54 Coins28 Coins6 Coins80 Coins
Size1 Square1 Square4 Squares4 Squares
XP Gained20 XP 10 XP
GoodsGoat MilkWoolMilkHorse Hair
OffspringRed CalfRed Foal

Friday, August 27, 2010

Crafting Mastery - Master your goods

Zynga recently released the ability for players to earn Craft Mastery for goods produced through the Crafting Cottages. These work very similarly to the Crop Mastery available for seeds. As you progress through the levels you earn gold and experience bonuses, including a sign that is similar to the crop mastery signs. However, the signs for Crafting goods will change appear depending on what level you have achieved.

Each Crafted good will have 5 levels you can master, at the first level you will receive a sign, and the bonus. After that, the appearance of your sign will change, adding more stars, as you progress through the levels. At level 5, it will have 5 stars. Here is the Spicy Tomato Juice sign as an example, on the left is the level 1 version and on the right the fully leveled sign showing all 5 stars.

Below is a table showing the Item level required for each star, as well as the XP and Gold coins rewarded when reaching the level.

Progress 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star
Item Level required 23335075100
XP Reward 5001000150030004500
Coin Reward 1000250050001000025000

And remember, it is possible to level up 1 item using all four slots within your crafting cottage.In essence leveling it up 4x at once.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Zynga Lotto A fun way to win rare prizes

Zynga has released a new Lotto for players of Farmville, where participants have the chance to win exclusive items and prizes. By signing up you will receive one free entry, and another every day after that. Users can also send each other tickets every day, up to 20, for more chances to win.

The current prizes are;

  • Red Cow
  • Red Sheep
  • Red Goat
  • Red Horse
Be sure to book mark the page so you can easily return every day for another chance to win!

Click here to sign up with the Zynga Lotto

Here is an example of all four animals in game;

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Filtering your News Feed

If you are a heavy Farmville player you no doubt understand that it can some times be frustrating missing items because they get hidden in the news feed and you simply do not see them. While some players resort to using tools to scan their feed and snag items from it others are left in the dark. There is however a couple easy ways to help make sure that you never miss an item in the news feed.

The first and easiest way is to click the "Most Recent" link at the top of your feed list.

Clicking on this will show your News Feed in real time, as your friends post things they will instantly become available. Sometimes within a second of it being posted. If you are watching for items and bonuses this can be a great way to get the jump on them and significantly increase your chances of getting an item.

Another problem created by an overcrowded news feed is how Facebook groups similar posts. Instead of showing you that someone just turned in 6 collections at one time, they only show you one. While viewing you news feed in real time can be helpful for getting items, helping your friends can be somewhat harder unless they happen to start a barn raising while you are actively watching the feed.

In this instance it is better to sort your feed according to what you want to see. While logged in, in the left hand column there is a link that says "Friends" if you click on it some items will appear below. These are your lists of friends. Clicking on an item here will filter your news feed and show you only the items from within that list.

To get the most out of this you will need to setup a list for your Farmville friends, and make sure everyone who plays Farmville is included in it. For help in setting up a new Friends List have a look at the end of the Rare Farmville Animal Breeding post.

There is a standard sorting link here as well, "Status Updates" this will show you only hand written status updates from your friends. Useful if you want to keep in touch with others outside of the game. It will not show any status updates posted by an application.

One final way exists to view only Farmville News items in your feed however it seems to not work for all players. Try clicking on the link below, it is setup to filter your feed according to application ID, with Farmvilles ID already input.

While that URL may or may not work for all players, the above methods of sorting your News Feed will always work. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

How long is a day in Farmville?

The title of this post may confuse some people. "A day is 24 hours right?" Yes and no. Knowing the intricacies of this can help you in decideing what you want to plant and more importantly when.

In Farmville crops, animals and trees are harvested according to a schedule. Some things take 1 day, some 2 days and a few things only hours. So you would expect a 1 day crop to be ready in 24 hours. Unfortunately that is not the case.

In Farmville, a day is 23 hours long. That means that a one day crop will only take 23 hours to become ready. A two day crop will not take 48 hours, it will take 46.

While the day plus crops are straight forward, the ones that take less than one day can be a little bit tricky. Up to about 8 hours, the crops are straight forward. Strawberries will be ready four hours after you plant them. Over 8 hours though and the times are slightly off. A 10 hour crop will become ready in roughly 9 and a half hours, while a 16 hour crop will come ready around 15 hours in.

So keep in mind the longer the crop takes to reach harvest, the more time you can take off.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Finishing your Storage Cellar Quickly

On August 19th 2010 Zynga started rolling out the new Storage Cellar to players. Unlike the old barns and sheds the new storage solution requires very little room on top of the farm (meaning more room for plots!) and packs a massive amount of space inside, up to 500! With this players will be able to remove the older barns and sheds giving them more room for decorations, crops, trees or animals.

The way the cellar works is very similar to the Tuscan Wedding Tent, or the Spring Basket. Players send each other Shovels, where each shovel represents on more point of storage space, up to the maximum of 500. Just like with the other two as you add shovels to your Storage Cellar it will change its apperance based on how many you have added.

Hole in the GroundNarrow Crawl Space

0-99 Shovels100-199 Shovels

Secure Storm CellarHuge Storm CellarUnderground Wonderland

200-399 Shovels400-499 Shovels500+ Shovels

And just like the Tuscan Wedding Tent as you add shovels to your cellar you are eligible to claim rewards. With each reward costing progressively more shovels, not to worry though once you add shovels to your cellar claiming a reward will not mean you lose storage space. The rewards are as follows;

Crystal Rock

Requires 20 ShovelsRequires 40 Shovels
Miner SheepCave GnomeAntique Tractor

Requires 60 Shovels
Requires 120 ShovelsRequires 200 Shovels

As the title of this post implies though there is a way to earn shovels much faster than normal. During this event when you fulfill a request for shovels you are given a reward screen allowing you to choose between the usual things, gold, experience, mystery gifts OR 2 shovels for yourself. 

Using this to your advantage, goto the Make a Wish Tool at the top of this page. Next find some friends who maybe have stopped playing Farmville and send them some shovels using the tool. This will reward YOU with 2 shovels! It takes a little bit of extra work because you have to find everyone's Facebook ID, but the reward will be finishing your storage cellar in record time.

Remember, as long as a friend has played Farmville in the past this will work, simply paste their Facebook ID into the box and pick shovel from the drop down. Then copy and paste the web address into your browser. The Make a Wish Tool was originally designed to allow YOU to request things, however instead of putting your ID in, put your friends!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting the most out of one plot of land

Animals, Trees, Crops - They are the three main ways someone can make money and experience in Farmville. But, which ones are the best? Which ones can make you the absolute most gold or experience per hour? The following post hopes to answer that question.

First what is a plot? Put simply, one plot in Farmville is the size required for one piece of plowed land. While different things take up different amounts of space, one plowed square is 4x4 spaces. Knowing this, lets consider the two critical components for Farmville. Gold and Experience. Are you trying to level up fast? Or are you saving up for that shiny Villa? Whatever your aim is, knowing what brings in the most per hour is going to help you on your way!

Gold Per Hour

  • Trees
Disregarding limited time trees the following trees will generate the most gold per hour. This assumes 16 trees crammed into a 4x4 space and harvested as soon as they are ready. One 4x4 grid containing 16 trees will earn you;

  1. JackFruit Tree - 32.46 G/hr
  2. Gingko Tree - 30.14 G/hr
  3. Mango Tree - 22.61 G/hr
  4. Olive Tree - 19.48 G/hr
  5. Date Tree - 16 G/hr
As you can see the top performing trees are all available only through gifting. For this reason get lots of neighbors and use the Make a Wish Tool at the top of the page.

*The Acai, Maple Tree (Golden) and Asian Pear all produce more G/hr, however they are limited time offer trees. Get them when you can, otherwise work for what is on the list. 

  • Animals

Animals in Farmville come in all shapes and sizes, and likewise each has a different hourly profit that can be achieved. Just like the trees this is going to assume you cram as many of each animal as possible into a 4x4 grid. (Or 16 single squares.)

  1. Belted Cow - 500G/hr
  2. Arapawra Goat - 400G/hr
  3. Saddleback Pig - 333.33 G/hr
  4. Cream Mini Horse - 56 G/hr 
  5. Belted Calf - 53G/hr
With the exception of the Belted Cow, you can squeeze 16 of the others into one 4x4 grid, the belted cow taking up more room will only allow you to fit 4 into the same space.

*The Snow Leopard out performs the Mini Horse, earning 100 G/hr however it is an iPhone exclusive item.

  • Crops
Ahh the mainstay of Farmville, Crops. Or Seeds. These are actually one of the hardest items to list, due to mastery bonuses and co-op's changing the end value of each crop. Let us assume though, no mastery and not done in a co-op. Just the basic seed, at the basic income. Again, this list will only contain crops that will always be available through the market. It should be noted that the top10 crops are ALL limited time only seeds.

  1. Forget-Me-Nots 8.89 G/hr
  2. Oats - 8.75 G/hr
  3. Basil - 8.5 G/hr
  4. Peas - 7.65 G/hr
  5. Asparagus - 7.63G/hr
  6. Ginger - 7.5G/hr

Experience Per Hour

If it is experience you are looking for the following lists should help you earn it as fast as possible. Just like the gold lists above though, only permanent crops, animals and trees will be listed here. Any of the limited time items will not be included.

  • Trees
Trees give their XP gain upon planting, not when harvesting. As such here is the list of permanent trees in order of most XP when placing.
  1. Durian Tree - 13 XP Exclusive Gift
  2. Olive Tree - 12 XP 
  3. Starfruit Tree - 12 XP
  4. Pomegranate Tree - 11 XP
  5. Cashew Tree - 8 XP 
  • Crops
Earning XP in Farmville is best done by planting crops.While each crop varies in how much you will earn the following is a list of the highest earning permanent crops available.

  1. Clover - 32 XP / hr
  2. Black Berries - 31.75 XP / hr
  3. Blueberries 31.5 XP / hr
  4. Raspberries 30.5 XP / hr
  5. Strawberries 27.5 XP /hr
With the exception of Clover, berries provide the best XP profits in the game. However, all berries have a very quick growing time so be sure you will be able to check your farm when they come ready or you may end up losing money in the long run.

  • Animals 
Like Trees, Animals only give XP upon placing on the farm, from purchasing in the market or placing them from a gift box. Most animals will not give XP though, because of this Animals have been left out. If you are trying to earn XP by far the best method is planting the crops listed above. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

Free Gifts from Ribbons

Ribbons in Farmville are much like Achievements on the 360 or Trophies on the PS3, the allow the player to complete various tasks and reward them with Gold and XP. In addition some of the Ribbons will gift the player with a different decoration upon completion. The following is a list of all the Ribbons that give the player a gift as a bonus reward for finishing them.

High Roller Ribbon
ColorCoins Experience Item
Yellow 50050Hay Bale
White 2500100Butter Churn
Red 5000250Wheelbarrow
Blue 100001000Hay Wagon
A Pretty Penny Ribbon
Color Experience Item
Yellow 50Rest Tent
White 100Well
Red 250Tool Shed
Blue 1000Fruit Stand
Knock On Wood Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow100025Fig Tree
White250050Apricot Tree
Red5000100Banana Tree
Blue10000250Pomegranate Tree
Zoologist Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow 100025Sheep
White 250050Duck
Red 5000100Goat
Blue 10000250Horse
Pack Rat Ribbon
Colour Experience Item
Yellow25Picnic Table
White50Stone Mailbox
Red100Covered Wagon
Blue250Small Pond
Animal Shelter Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow 100025Sheep
White 250050Duck
Red 5000100Goat
Blue 10000250Horse
Tree Hugger Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow 50010Plum Tree
White 250020Lemon Tree
Red 500050Grapefruit Tree
Blue 10000100Passion Fruit Tree
Noahs Ark Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow 50010Chicken
White 250020Pig
Red 500050Duck
Blue 10000100Horse
Not Spoiled, Gifted Ribbon
Colour Coins Experience Item
Yellow100010Hay Bale
Blue10000100Wood Pile
Pretty Garden Ribbon
Colour XP Item
Yellow 25Perfect Bunch of Daffodils
White 50Perfect Bunch of Red Tulips
Red 100Perfect Bunch of Pink Roses
Blue 250Perfect Bunch of Sunflowers

As you can see there are quite a few Ribbons that give gifts when completing them. If you are unsure how to complete any of the ribbons please refer to yesterday's post; Complete Ribbon Guide

This list is current as of : 8/16/2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Complete Guide to Ribbons in Farmville

Farmville offers players the ability to complete various tasks in order to unlock the games equivalent of Achievements. While some of them are very straightforward others are a little harder to complete. Each Ribbon has 4 levels of completion, Yellow Ribbons, White Ribbons, Red Ribbons and Blue Ribbons.

Upon completion you will be rewarded with XP Gold and a special gift in the gift box. While the gift varies based on the ribbon earned the XP and Gold rewards are as follows;

  • Yellow Ribbons - 100 XP / 2,500 Gold Coins
  • White Ribbons - 100 XP / 2,500 Gold Coins
  • Red Ribbons - 250 XP / 5,000 Gold Coins
  • Blue Ribbons - 1000 XP / 10,00 Gold Coins

Ribbon NameDescription   Requirements   
Local CelebrityYou need neighbors for this482550
Good SamaritanHelping out Friends201505002500
High RollerTotal Coins Earned25,00050,000500,0001,000,000
A Pretty PennyCoins Spent at the Market50,000100,000500,0001,500,000
Cream of the CropNumber of Crops to Harvest101,0005,00025,000
Knock on WoodNumber of Trees to Harvest202501,5005,000
ZoologistHarvest Animals155001,0005,000
ArchitectBuildings Owned261530
Pack RatDecorations on your Farm2550100250
Animal ShelterLost Animals Adopted23415
Green ThumbDifferenty Types of Crops5101417
Tree HuggerDifferent Types of Trees381215
Noah's ArkDifferent Types of Animals2468
Not Spoiled, Gifted!Different Types of Gifts391521
Crop WhispererNeighbors Crops Fertalized1002505002,500
Flower PowerFlower Crops Harvested155002,50010,000
Pretty GardenFlower Bouquets Placed5102550
King of CompostCrops that have been Fertalized75150300600
They of MysteryMystery Boxes Opened (Mystery Darts thrown)261530
Fenced InHow many Fences 550100250
Lord of the PlowPlots plowed by Tractors2001,0002,50010,000
Need for SeedCrops planted with the Seeder2001,0002,50010,000
Cat LadyCats brushed 550100250
Vegetable VirtuosoVegetable Crops Harvested155002,50010,000
Foremost Fruit FarmerFruit Crops Harvested155002,50010,000
Egg-celent DiscoveryFinding Mystery Eggs in the Coop52550100
Cunning CollectorCollections Completed22550100
Horse PowerFind buffs in your Stables52550100
Employee of the MonthCompleting Co-Op jobs in record time52550100
Fabulous ForemanFinish Co-Op jobs within the time frame given151020
Best of the RestHarvest the most crops in a completed Co-Op1102040
Baled OutBales of Hay placed on Farm550100250
CrackedMystery Eggs Opened55075150
Super SalesmanSelling Crafted Goods525100250
CraftyMake Crafted Goods525100250
Best BuyerPurchased Goods from Friends525100250
GearheadVehicles Upgraded261530

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to get Free Fuel

What is the one thing every farm needs? No... Not piglets (though they are adorable!) Fuel! In order to harvest, plow and seed you need Fuel for your vehicles. While the cost of Fuel through the market is outrageously high, there are thankfully a number of ways you can get free fuel in Farmville.

Here is a guide of all the ways you can get free fuel while playing Farmville.

Regeneration - Fuel naturally regenerates on it's own. However, the rate of the refill is based on how many plots are on your land. To shortest amount of time to refuel one full tank is 24 hours. While this is helpful it is far from the best way.

Mystery Gifts and Mystery Eggs - Both have a chance to find fuel in them. In varying quantities.

When plowing your own field, or fertilizing a friends, there is a small chance you will find one tank of fuel.

Completing a collection grants you 5 full tanks of fuel.

The Farmville Toolbar will gift you with 1/5 of a bar every 8 hours. Or depending upon the number of friends using the bar, you may be rewarded with a full tank.

Crafting Goods can be redeemed for fuel, with the quantity based on the level of the good.

From the Game Feed - Fuel can some times be found in the News Feed when a player shares found fuel.

Email - From time to time Zynga runs a free fuel promotion where they send players an email with links for free fuel.

Cross Game Play - Advancing a level in the Zynga owned game "Mafia Wars" will reward Farmville Players with one free tank of fuel.

Mobile - It is said that logging into Farmville from an iPhone also grants the player free fuel.

From the Market - Players can also purchase fuel from the market in the following quantities;

1unit for      3 FV Cash
15units for  15 FV Cash
30units for  28 FV Cash
45units for  40 FV Cash
75units for  50 FV Cash

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Collections in Farmville

Knowing where to look can make all the difference between finding a collectible in Farmville and not finding one. While each collection has one item that can be gifted where do you look for the other 5 hidden objects? Listed below is every collectible and where you can expect to find it.

Gardening Tools Collection

  • Gloves can be received as a gift.
  • Trowel is found by plowing or by hatching a white mystery egg.
  • Cultivator is found while fertilizing neighbor's crops.
  • Twine is found while harvesting from sheep.
  • Pruning Saw is found by harvesting trees and gold mystery eggs.
  • Shears is found while fertilizing neighbor's crops.

Country Kitsch Collection

  • Needlepoint is received as a gift.
  • Spigot is found by plowing or by hatching a Mystery Egg.
  • Pocketwatch is found by plowing
  • Salt Shaker  is found by plowing
  • Thimble is found by plowing
  • Cow Bell  is found while harvesting from Cows and Dairy Farms.

Bugs Collection

  • Ladybug is found while fertilizing a neighbor's crops or hatching white mystery eggs.
  • Dragonfly can be received as a gift.
  • Caterpillar  is found by harvesting trees or hatching white mystery eggs.
  • Stick Bug  is found by harvesting trees.
  • Beetle is found while fertilizing a neighbor's crops or hatching a black mystery egg.
  • Centipede is found by plowing.

Butterfly Collection

  • Emperor can be received as a gift.
  • Painted Lady is found a neighbor's crops or by hatching a brown mystery egg.
  • Blue Butterfly is found by harvesting trees or by hatching a brown mystery egg.
  • Swallowtail  is found while fertilizing a neighbor's crops.
  • Zebra is found by harvesting trees.
  • Copper is found by harvesting trees.

Feather Collection

  • Green Plume can be received as a gift.
  • Hen Feather is found while harvesting from Chickens and Chicken Coops. It can be obtained from any color chicken.
  • Dapple Plume  is found while harvesting from Ducks.
  • Red Feather is found while fertilizing a neighbor's crops.
  • Banded Quillis found while harvesting from Turkeys, Brown Geese and Swans.
  • Blue Feather is found by harvesting Trees.

Button Collection

  • Check Button can be received as a gift.
  • Brass Button is found while fertilizing a neighbor's crops.
  • White Button is found by plowing.
  • Jewel Button is found while harvesting from Chickens and Chicken Coops. It can be obtained from any color chicken.
  • Formal Button is found by plowing.
  • Pearl Button is found by plowing. 

There is another type of collection new to Farmville, the "Lightning Collection". These are limited time only and require a set number of each item to finish.

Gemstone Collection
Active 7-15-2010 through 8-20-2010
  • Topaz can be found via seeding, or purchasing for  1 cash.
  • Amethyst can be found via seeding, or purchasing for 1 cash.
  • Turquoise can be found via seeding, or purchasing for 1 cash.
  • Ruby can be found via seeding, or purchasing for 2 cash.
  • Emerald can be found via seeding, or purchasing for 2 cash.
  • Diamond can be found via seeding, or purchasing for 3 cash.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Farmville update - 8/8/2010

Farmville has released some new items with tonight's update.

As well as updating the Mystery Game prizes the following new items are available from the Market;

CA/Yukon Limited Edition Items:

  • Elk - 20 Farm Cash
  • Proud Goat - 12 Farm Cash
  • Petrified Wood - 1 Farm Cash
  • Golden Trout - 8000 Coins
  • Wooly Mammoth - 6000 Coins

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Farmville Stimulus Package

A little publicized bonus Zynga gives every Farmville player is the stimulus package. While it was originally given out in an attempt to get people back into the game it now is used as a care package for all players.

While the contents have changed from the original package, players still receive 3 Free Farmville Cash, 1 Large Fuel, 1 Unwither and 1 Saanens Goat.

The Farmville Stimulus Package

You can get the new stimulus package by clicking here; Farmville Stimulus Package

This package is available once to every player. When Zynga changed the package last time it reset for all players, hopefully they change it again in the future allowing all players to claim another 3 Free FV Cash as well as the very useful free Unwither.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Update 8/6/2010 - Garages are here!

Zynga has started rolling out it's newest addition to Farmville today, Garages!

These buildings will allow you to store Farm Vehicles inside, as well as upgrade them. An upgraded Vehicle will be able to plow, seed and harvest progressively larger blocks at a time. To upgrade a vehicle will require a new item, Vehicle Parts.

Each Vehicle Level requires the following:
  • Level 1: 2 Parts
  • Level 2: 5 Parts
  • Level 3: 10 Parts (Must be level 26 or above)
  • Level 4: 15 Parts (Must be level26 or above)
To begin with you will need to place a bare bones building and gather materials to complete it. Nails, Bricks and Wooden Boards will be required to finish the building, 10 of each. At that point you can start storing and upgrading your vehicles.

At this time you will only be able to have one Garage on your farm at a time, and the Bi-Plane will not be able to be stored. Each Garage will be capable of storing up to 20 different Vehicles though.

You can read the full break down for Garages here; Farmville Forums - Garages!
You can also reply and give Zynga your feedback using this thread; Official Garage Feedback Thread

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Selling more crafting items and bushels.

As Zynga continues to expand the options available for bushels and crafting items it will become increasingly important to sell as many of these items as you can to your neighbors. Whether you are looking to get more Gold, Experience or Fuel as a reward for selling there are a couple of ways to try and maximize how many items you sell.

The first thing of course is to Share Share Share. When you harvest a crop you are presented with the "Share with Friends" box. Be sure to share these bushels with friends so they are aware of you selling something. Often times you can sell out all the bushels simply by having your friends get them off the news feed.

Where you put your market stall's and crafting building may not seem important at first glance, however there are a couple things to consider when placing them. How far away from the chicken coop are they? Often times your friends will come to fertalize your farm, and feed your chickens. Farmville automatically moves the screen to the chicken coop so having your Market Stall's and Crafting Building located next to or near your chicken coop can often times result in more sales of supplies and bushels.

One last suggestion to really maximize profits. Become a master at one highly used crop. Something like Blueberries which is used by all three crafting cottages in recipes will be in high demand with all of your friends as they try to get bushels. Earning the 3rd star for Blueberries then leaving one section of your farm for nothing but growing and harvesting Blueberries will earn you more sales in record time.

For other crop ideas take a look at the Crafting Corner.

Farmville Update 8/3/2010

Zynga released an update to their popular Farmville last night, here is a quick run down of the additions and changes.

Limited Edition Items:

* Miniature Horse - 26 Farm Cash (This horse has a chance of producing a Miniature Foal when placed in your Horse Stable. Miniature Foals will grow into the new Cream Miniature Horse when placed in the Nursery Barn.)
* Heirloom Apple - 10,000 Coins
* Stone Villa - 50 Farm Cash
* Village Center - 36 Farm Cash
* Flower Bridge - 42 Farm Cash
* Rose Arch - 7 Farm Cash
* Quilts – 10,000 Coins


The new Beach Landscape can be purchased for 1000 Coins from the “Upgrade Farm” section of the Market.


* Lady Slippers (Level 15) – Grows in 6 hours, grants 1 XP, costs 70 Coins to plant and yields 115 Coins when Harvested. This crop cannot be mastered.

Mystery Game:

The Mystery Game has been restocked with brand new prizes! Throw a dart... win a prize. It's that simple! Start playing for your chance to win a Miniature Stallion or other rare “mini” animals!