Make A Wish Tool

Trying to complete that Nursery and need just one more blanket? But Farmville only has bottles listed today? Need an item or have a friend who wants an item but that item is not available is one of the more irritating things in Farmville. With the help of this page you will be able to wish for any item you want, and get it more exposure so that you receive more gifts from your Farmville Friends.

The first thing you need to know is your Facebook ID. You can follow the instructions in the Viewing a Friends Farm post if you need help finding it. Simply copy and paste that number into the proper box below.

After that, use the drop down menu and select the gift you would like to receive. If one of your friends is looking for a gift have them come here to create the WishURL.(You can also some times get thier Facebook ID by looking at their wall, however this will not work for everyone and it is recommended that they come here and generate their own URL.)

It should be noted that you and your friends must meet the level requirements of any item for this to work. In addition, this list does not include the exclusive gifts as they can only be sent, not "wished" for. Lastly, the following two items are iPhone exclusive gifts and are not available for wishing. White Apple Tree and the Rainbow Barrel

Once you have entered your social ID in the box, use the drop down menu to select the gift you would like to get. Then click on the "Show Me!" button. A URL will appear in the window. Copy this URL and go back to Facebook. Start a new status update and paste the URL into the text area there. This will allow your friends to see and click your request much more easily than if you sent the wish through Farmville itself.

This is because of the way Facebook groups up similar posts, when you or your friends look at the news feed there is normally only one or two Farmville posts shown at a time. However, at any time there are literally hundreds (or thousands depending on how many friends you have) of posts. If you make a hand created status update Facebook gives it more "weight" and it is more likely to show up on your friends news feed, getting you more gifts.