Breeding Horses

Breeding Horses can be a fun past time in Farmville. There are a lot of different types of Foals you can produce and share with your friends. However it can sometimes be difficult in knowing what types of parents produce which foals, and what foals grow into what adult horses. Hopefully this guide will help you produce many horses and foals as well as give you a way to make more than one foal a day.

First to make Foals you will need both a Stallion and a Mare. Most horses in Farmville are females (mares) by default. There are in fact only a hand full of Stallions available in the game, those include;

Wandering Stallions - Only good for one night. These show up on your neighbors farms as a wandering animal. If you give them a home they are good for 23 hours (1 day in Farmville) after which they will automatically leave your farm.

White Stallions - Limited Time only animal, Harvests in 3 days outside the stables, 1 day inside. This is a permanent Stallion that once purchased will stay in your Stables forever.

Black Stallions - Rare Item in the Mystery Dart Game. The black Stallion is much the same as the White, once placed into your Stables it will stay permanently.

Miniature Stallion - A Rare prize in the 4th Mystery Dart game. This Stallion like its White and Black bigger brothers is a permanent. It is also the only way to breed miniature horses.

Wild Mustangs - As of 6/11/2010 these stopped appearing on farms. They may appear at a later date or they may not. They are a permanent Stallion that requires the help of 5 friends to help, or are available for 20 Farm Cash if 3 days passes without the help of your friends.

Once you have one of the above stallions in your Stables you are ready to start producing some foals! While the normal way is to wait and harvest the stables every 24 hours when it becomes ready on its own. There is in fact a shortcut that you can take. This works because of the way Farmville deals with percentages.

Here is the basics for breeding multiple horses in the same day;

  1. Empty your stables
  2. When a Horse gets to 35% or higher place it in the Stables
  3. Place all the same type of Horse into the Stable
  4. Your Stable should be ready to harvest
  5. Harvest while there is a Stallion in the Stables
At this point it is up to pure chance, sometimes you will get a foal, sometimes not. However you can repeat this process with other horses that are at 35% or better. Simply empty your stables in between and when you place a horse at 35% or better the stables should become "ready" to harvest each time.

Now that you know how to harvest your stables more than once a day, and you know how to get the Stallions lets look at what produces what, and what transforms into what.

With the exception of breeding mini horses, the type of Stallion you have does not directly affect breeding. However, if you have a White or a Black stallion they have a small chance of producing a White or Black foal regardless of what type of horse they breed with. With that in mind here is a table showing all the know horses and what type of Foal they produce.

Brown HorseBrown Foal
High Kick HorseBrown Foal
Horse SpectatorBrown Foal
PseudocornBrown Foal
Miniature HorseBrown Foal
Cream Mini HorseBrown Foal
Gray HorseGray Foal
Pinto HorsePinto Foal
Black HorseBlack Foal
Palouse HorsePalouse Foal
Appaloosa horseAppaloosa Foal
Haflinger HorseHaflinger Foal
Wild MustangMustang Foal
Breton HorseBreton Foal
Morgan HorseMorgan Foal
White Stallion White Foal
Black Stallion Black Stallion Foal
Clydesdale HorseClydesdale Foal
Cream Draft HorseCream Draft Foal
Percheron HorsePercheron Foal
Light Blue PonyBlue Pony Foal
Brown PonyBrown Pony Foal
Pink-Hair PonyPink Pony Foal
Purple Mane PonyPurple Pony Foal
Silver PonySilver Pony Foal
Black PonyBlack Pony Foal
Red HorseRed Foal
Camargue HorseCamargue Foal
Buckskin HorseBuckskin Foal
Saddle HorseSaddle Foal

As you can see there are many types of Horses available in Farmville and for the most part they produce Foals of the same type. Now, Foals do not necessarily produce the same type of adult horse when they grow up. Here is a list of the different types of Foals and what kind of adult horse they grow up into;

Foal Transforms Into
Brown FoalBlack Horse
Grey FoalBlack Horse
Pinto FoalBlack Horse
Black FoalBlack Horse
Green FoalBlack Horse
Palouse FoalBlack Horse
Appaloosa FoalBlack Horse
Haflinger FoalBlack Horse
Wild Mustang FoalBlack Horse
Breton FoalBlack Horse
Morgan FoalBlack Horse
White FoalBlack Horse
Black Stallion FoalBlack Horse
Clydesdale FoalCream Draft Horse
Cream Draft FoalCream Draft Horse
Percheron FoalCream Draft Horse
Blue Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Brown Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Pink Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Purple Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Silver Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Black Pony FoalLight Blue Pony
Red Foal Black Horse
Carmague Foal Black Horse
Buckskin FoalBlack Horse
Saddle FoalBlack Horse

As you can see Zynga severly limits the types of adult animals available through breeding. This is done to increase sales of the special horses. I mentioned above that breeding Miniature horses requires a Mini Stallion, here is a small table showing the breeding of Miniature horses and the offspring they produce.

Miniature HorseMiniature Foal
Minature HorseMiniature Foal
Cream Mini HorseCream Mini Foal
Mini AppaloosaMini Appaloosa Foal
*Note* Requires a Mini Stallion - Mini Stallions can be produced by any combination of parents but grow into Cream Mini Horses not Stallions