Friday, August 27, 2010

Crafting Mastery - Master your goods

Zynga recently released the ability for players to earn Craft Mastery for goods produced through the Crafting Cottages. These work very similarly to the Crop Mastery available for seeds. As you progress through the levels you earn gold and experience bonuses, including a sign that is similar to the crop mastery signs. However, the signs for Crafting goods will change appear depending on what level you have achieved.

Each Crafted good will have 5 levels you can master, at the first level you will receive a sign, and the bonus. After that, the appearance of your sign will change, adding more stars, as you progress through the levels. At level 5, it will have 5 stars. Here is the Spicy Tomato Juice sign as an example, on the left is the level 1 version and on the right the fully leveled sign showing all 5 stars.

Below is a table showing the Item level required for each star, as well as the XP and Gold coins rewarded when reaching the level.

Progress 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star
Item Level required 23335075100
XP Reward 5001000150030004500
Coin Reward 1000250050001000025000

And remember, it is possible to level up 1 item using all four slots within your crafting cottage.In essence leveling it up 4x at once.

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