Monday, July 26, 2010

Viewing someones farm who is not your neighbor

Often times you will want to view a particular persons farm, even if your not their neighbor. Doing this is quite easy but requires a little bit of work. First you will need to find their Facebook profile ID. Do this by clicking on their name in Facebook and going to their profile page.

At the top of the window, in the address bar, you should see a url that looks like this;

This is the Facebook profile link

The number at the very end of the link is the persons Facebook Profile link, you will want to highlight only that number and then copy it to the clipboard by right clicking the highlighted area and choosing copy. (TIP: You can quickly select only the number by double clicking on it. This trick will work with most text boxes)

Once you have the profile ID copied you need to add it to the View farm link here;

After the equals sign paste in the number you copied by right clicking and choosing paste. (TIP: Ctrl+V is the shortcut key for pasting)

Besides being able to view someones farm who is not on your neighbor list you can use this to also generate a lot of extra experience points. While you are visiting the other farm you will have the ability to fertilize fields and feed the chicken coupe.You can do this with any of your Facebook friends, however if the person is not a friend through Facebook this will not work.

In an effort to help out the newer computer users I have created a small little box below, simply get your friends profile ID and paste it into the box. Then click "Go Help!" and it will take you directly to their Farmville farm allowing you to help them and earn some XP and Gold while your at it. 

The above box was created using plain HTML, all the code is available by viewing the source code for this page.


  1. Thanks Kirk, that is very helpful, and very thoughtful of you to provide the form box to help others.

  2. The Box u created creates this kind of link
    which doesnt work

    so please change it to the above which is written in blog post.

    Thanks :)
