Animals, Trees, Crops - They are the three main ways someone can make money and experience in Farmville. But, which ones are the best? Which ones can make you the absolute most gold or experience per hour? The following post hopes to answer that question.
First what is a plot? Put simply, one plot in Farmville is the size required for one piece of plowed land. While different things take up different amounts of space, one plowed square is 4x4 spaces. Knowing this, lets consider the two critical components for Farmville. Gold and Experience. Are you trying to level up fast? Or are you saving up for that shiny Villa? Whatever your aim is, knowing what brings in the most per hour is going to help you on your way!
Gold Per Hour
Disregarding limited time trees the following trees will generate the most gold per hour. This assumes 16 trees crammed into a 4x4 space and harvested as soon as they are ready. One 4x4 grid containing 16 trees will earn you;
- JackFruit Tree - 32.46 G/hr
- Gingko Tree - 30.14 G/hr
- Mango Tree - 22.61 G/hr
- Olive Tree - 19.48 G/hr
- Date Tree - 16 G/hr
As you can see the top performing trees are all available only through gifting. For this reason get lots of neighbors and use the Make a Wish Tool at the top of the page.
*The Acai, Maple Tree (Golden) and Asian Pear all produce more G/hr, however they are limited time offer trees. Get them when you can, otherwise work for what is on the list.
Animals in Farmville come in all shapes and sizes, and likewise each has a different hourly profit that can be achieved. Just like the trees this is going to assume you cram as many of each animal as possible into a 4x4 grid. (Or 16 single squares.)
- Belted Cow - 500G/hr
- Arapawra Goat - 400G/hr
- Saddleback Pig - 333.33 G/hr
- Cream Mini Horse - 56 G/hr
- Belted Calf - 53G/hr
With the exception of the Belted Cow, you can squeeze 16 of the others into one 4x4 grid, the belted cow taking up more room will only allow you to fit 4 into the same space.
*The Snow Leopard out performs the Mini Horse, earning 100 G/hr however it is an iPhone exclusive item.
Ahh the mainstay of Farmville, Crops. Or Seeds. These are actually one of the hardest items to list, due to mastery bonuses and co-op's changing the end value of each crop. Let us assume though, no mastery and not done in a co-op. Just the basic seed, at the basic income. Again, this list will only contain crops that will always be available through the market. It should be noted that the top10 crops are ALL limited time only seeds.
- Forget-Me-Nots 8.89 G/hr
- Oats - 8.75 G/hr
- Basil - 8.5 G/hr
- Peas - 7.65 G/hr
- Asparagus - 7.63G/hr
- Ginger - 7.5G/hr
Experience Per Hour
If it is experience you are looking for the following lists should help you earn it as fast as possible. Just like the gold lists above though, only permanent crops, animals and trees will be listed here. Any of the limited time items will not be included.
Trees give their XP gain upon planting, not when harvesting. As such here is the list of permanent trees in order of most XP when placing.
- Durian Tree - 13 XP Exclusive Gift
- Olive Tree - 12 XP
- Starfruit Tree - 12 XP
- Pomegranate Tree - 11 XP
- Cashew Tree - 8 XP
Earning XP in Farmville is best done by planting crops.While each crop varies in how much you will earn the following is a list of the highest earning permanent crops available.
- Clover - 32 XP / hr
- Black Berries - 31.75 XP / hr
- Blueberries 31.5 XP / hr
- Raspberries 30.5 XP / hr
- Strawberries 27.5 XP /hr
With the exception of Clover, berries provide the best XP profits in the game. However, all berries have a very quick growing time so be sure you will be able to check your farm when they come ready or you may end up losing money in the long run.
Like Trees, Animals only give XP upon placing on the farm, from purchasing in the market or placing them from a gift box. Most animals will not give XP though, because of this Animals have been left out. If you are trying to earn XP by far the best method is planting the crops listed above.